In October, the production of cigarettes decreased compared to September at 2.2%, or 0,223 billion pieces to 10.041 billion pieces.
This Ukrainian News reported a source in the Cabinet of Ministers.
Compared with October 2008, the production of cigarettes in October 2009 decreased by 12,7%, or 1,460 billion pieces.
In January-October 2009 compared with January-October 2008 Issue of cigarettes declined by 13,6%, or $ 14.952 billion to 95.291 billion pieces pieces.
As reported, in September, the production of cigarettes increased compared to August at 3.4%, or 0,338 billion pieces to 10.264 billion pieces.
In 2008, the production of cigarettes in comparison with 2007 increased by 1%, or 1,279 billion pieces to 129.813 billion pieces.
According to specified data, in 2007 the issue of cigarettes amounted to 128.534 billion pieces.
On the Ukrainian market are 15 enterprises producing tobacco products.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Monday, 23 November 2009
Tobacco Capital
Since the New World to Europe was imported tobacco, and some ways to smoking, more than five centuries. All these years the tradition of tobacco cultivated and improved, transformed, finally, in a separate culture. This means that if all the existing arguments against, we must acknowledge that mankind is largely not inclined to abandon the pleasure of fragrant smoke a pipe tobacco, cling to a mouthpiece or a hookah, observing all the necessary ritual, a very special way to ignite a cigar. Despite all the apparent variety of ways of smoking, based on any of them is the use of a variety of herbaceous plants, like tobacco. The only difference is in the way of its preparation. For cigars, for example, used a single sheet of the best sorts of tobacco, previously dried in a special way, for cigarettes - the crushed leaves of the same plants for hookah - generally is hardly the one and only of its kind, a Cigarette - a special kind of tobacco - tobacco, which , oddly enough, is also a plant.
Cigars and cigarillos
The prototype of cigars can be considered virgin rolled tobacco leaves used by American Indians. This process was first observed by Christopher Columbus, along with his companions, faced with the Indian tribes. For these "savages" unhurried smoking then unknown to Europeans of leaves was akin to celebration, during which they not only relaxing, but also, the clean-up the nervous system, took the most serious decisions. And it happened, apparently, because, according to one Indian legend, the Great Spirit Manitou, has taken pity on the unenviable fate of people living on scarce land, sent to him a woman-savior. Where it touches the ground with his right hand, grew potatoes, where the left - corn. And since the way it has been long and hard, and she had many occasions to meet with the birth and death, joy and sorrow, love and hate, she was tired of the road and only seen, often sat on the ground to rest and reflect. And there, where it rested, grew tobacco - a plant that helps to understand the essence of being.
So the cigar - this is not just one way of smoking, this whole philosophy. I understand that many of those who were their fans, among them - Sigmund Freud, Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, Alexander Scriabin and many other equally well-known personalities. Somerset Maugham wrote in his memoirs: "When I was young and very poor, I smoked cigars, only if they treated me. I promised myself: if ever I zavedutsya money, I'll enjoy a cigar every day after lunch and after dinner. This was the only word that I gave myself in my youth and then kept.
The best of the myriad types of cigars are those that are made by hand. This is usually confirmed by special inscription on the box «Totalmente a Mano». For their manufacture several whole tobacco leaves are compressed and secured along the length of the connecting sheet, and then turn into a cover, which is the main, because it defines flavor cigars. Work on the production of such products requires time-consuming, so in 20 of the last century, some zealous manufacturers have shifted to a cigar making machine.
Cigars, termed «machine-made», no demand for true connoisseurs and lovers of cigars, because otherwise, as consumer goods, they will not name. After all, for the sake of simplicity of the manufacturing process and, consequently, of cheapening the value of such cigars binding and cover sheets are not virgin, as in the present, as obtained by gluing the tobacco powder and organic compounds after the machine rolling.Therefore, when buying cigars should thoroughly examine all the inscriptions on the box.
All the components of good modern cigars made by hand, contain 100% natural leaves, which must indicate on the box in the form of inscriptions «Natural Wrapper» or in the name of the type wrapper, such as, Sumatra, Brasil, Connecticut or the other. Specify the type of wrapper is of particular importance. In his appearance could determine the quality of cigars: it is sufficient if it is elastic, not whether it cracks, undulation, which significantly impairs both its strength and taste. It is believed that the darker color of the leaves indicates the fortress. This is not quite true, but among the dark cigar is really a lot of strong varieties. And yet, always determines the filling of a fortress, not wrapper, he plays the role of first violin in taste and tone. Color of cover sheet is very diverse - from light green to anthracite-black to brown color scheme includes intermediate tones.
Duration of smoking cigars, which, according to etiquette is usually conducted at a cost of 2 / 3 of its length, depending on the method of manufacture varies. In addition, it also depends on the activity of the smoker. Yet we know that this process can last from 30 minutes to ... 2 hours.
As such a variety of tobacco products like cigarillos, it is - no more than a small cigar. On some boxes cigarillos, produced in the U.S., next to the symbol "Cigars" can stand clarify the inscription «little» or «small» (from the English. - Small). The English cigarillos indicated the presence of the words «miniatures» or «whiffs». Manufacturers of other countries have a basis weight of tobacco products: if it weighs 3 grams or less - it cigarillos, but if more than 3 - the cigar.
There is a so-called Cuban division, where a "middle ground" standard adopted by the demi-tasse, namely: length - 10 cm, diameter - 1,2 cm, is smaller diameters indicate that cigarillos. And it is taken into account in diameter, as well as a variety of cigarillos-panatel (from the English. - «Panatela» or «panetela») has a "cigar" length.
A common characteristic of classic cigarillos can be regarded as a machine mode of production, except for a few items, stuffing is always made of tobacco in their possession, and the foresight to cut off both ends, that does not require constant wear with a special device.
Unlike their larger relatives have cigarillos stuffing can be prepared from any number of types of tobacco, which allows to vary the taste of tobacco. Thus, the inner contents of Dutch cigarillos «Schimmelpenninck» represented 20 different varieties of tobacco from Brazil, Indonesia and Cameroon.
Tobacco (Nicotiana) - annual herb of the family Solanaceae. There are about 70 species of wild tobacco. For many years the cultivation of this culture was removed more than 100 varieties, but they are all created on the basis of two kinds - Virginia tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and tobacco Agriculture (Nicotiana rustica L.). Virginia tobacco, or tobacco, this (smoking) - the fastest growing plant with a non-branching stems, which reach up to 2,5 meters, with a well-developed root system. Tobacco leaves, reaching up to 30 cm in width and length - up to 90 cm, usually oblong or elliptical shape. Flowers - pink or white, gathered in the inflorescence. The fruit of this plant is a kind of box with many small reddish-brown seeds.
There in the family Solanaceae and is this type of herbaceous plants of tobacco as tobacco, presumably descended from the crossing of two wild species of tobacco (paniculate and wavy). From tobacco make grist for smoking (tobacco smoking) and char smelling.
Tobacco Virginia, or this, bred for the sake of leaves, which are either screwed into cigars, or crushed for getting your cigarettes, cigarettes, and pipes. In addition, the tobacco leaves are processed to produce chewing its variety and pulverized by grinding tobacco to snuff.
Homeland smoking tobacco is considered North America, but now it is grown in more than 100 countries, the main of which are China, USA, India, Brazil, Turkey and Russia. This industry is annually employed more than 30 million people.
Harvesting of tobacco begins in 4-6 months after planting, when its leaves become pale and covered with spots. Cut off the stems of plants with leaves or only the leaves are drying.
Drying leaves - a process that requires compliance with certain conditions, besides they can not overheat, as this may adversely affect the quality of tobacco. After drying, the leaves are steaming process in order to avoid brittleness. They either have a room with high humidity, or processed on the ferry, or slightly moistened with water, place them cut.
Then the leaves are sorted by quality, size and color, and then bind them in bundles and sent to the tobacco fields for further processing. Before the final stage of processing them is kept in special rooms for another year or two, always maintaining a certain temperature. Leaves should not be too dry (to avoid raskroshivaniya) and pereuvlazhnyatsya (otherwise they will start to mold).
Depending on the will of these sheets are made cigar, cigarette or pipe tobacco, the leaves are processed differently.
The tradition of smoking tobacco through a tube was brought to Europe by Spanish and Portuguese sailors, again from North America. The tubes were made of clay and Indians as well as the local similarity of cigars, originally had a ritual character.
Legislators "pipe mode" on the European continent since the end of XVI century The Dutch began. They made the best of the tube and mix for pipe tobacco. Making a good tube always demanded a sufficiently long time, doing as they are usually skilled craftsmen to individual orders, so that to afford such a pipe could quite a few. The material for the tubes is the so-called foam, or magnesium silicate - very light and porous natural mineral, resembling a sea foam, as well as clay, porcelain and even dried corn cobs treated with plaster and polished.
In posleduschie decade, the number of fans smoking pipes steadily increased. And in the first years of the XIX century began their mass production. At that time they were made mostly from basal part of the stem briar (the root of the heather). Mouthpiece has always been one of the main parts of the complex pipe structures. He was supposed to have a well-calculated size and smooth shape. The material for the most elegant and prestigious mouthpieces, often carved and served, as a rule, amber. Later he became used Latinas - a dark sort of Indian rubber, has undergone curing, which was convenient for machine processing. More recently, the most popular in the production tubing has a very hard synthetic material - acrylic on canvas.
Most of pipe tobacco contains from 10 to 30 kinds of varieties and subspecies, differing in the country growing, the year of collection, the position of leaves on the plant, aromatic additives (sugar, syrup, liqueur, fruit essences, cocoa, vanilla, etc.), as well as ways processing.
Pipe tobacco can be divided into two categories: the first - this is English and Scottish tile, which mature in the pressed forms exempt from sugar species such as Virginia, Turkish and Greek, the second - an American-style tobacco, which mixed with various flavorings. Danish and Dutch Cavendish, grown mainly in Maryland, after a soak tiles combine with free tobacco leaf.
Smoking pipes - special process that safely can be called art. True connoisseurs have in its arsenal, not just a few tubes, but also a variety of devices and accessories, as well as own weight of special pre-processing techniques, followed by cleansing, the creation of a specific attack on the inner surface of the tube, it is necessary for the priests. And hardly anyone from smoking will be able to argue with the fact that when smoking a good pipe tobacco, such as for example "Amphora" or "clan", the surrounding receive from this process, aesthetic pleasure.
Homeland of this device for smoking are Asian and African countries, where life as we know, has always flowed calm and measured. And because hookah smoking - a lengthy, slow and requires a respectful attitude. There is no doubt that the world owes him the appearance of a special mentality, characteristic of the Eastern traditions, though today many Europeans, apparently, trying to somehow escape from the incessant bustle of everyday life, became addicted to this ritual.
This extremely popular since the Middle Ages, in Persia, India, China, Africa and Central Asia, the device consists of a tube with tobacco, the lower end of which is omitted in the vessel with water, and hose of leather or wooden tube, introduced into the vessel above water level - through it Actually, purifying, and passes the smoke. Hookahs are made of silver and crystal, covered with intricate patterns of vegetation, were the best examples of handicraft production.
Water poured into the vessel to enhance the flavor at the request of a smoker can be mixed with juice or rose oil. Kindle hookah burning coals, putting them on top of the smoking mixture. It takes about an hour to smoke fruit tobacco, and about two - for the pure strong tobacco. The water in the vessel after some time acquires a brown color, due to filtration of harmful substances.
Hookah - an appliance is very specific, and "rules of use" they also have their own immutable laws.
Specificity of hookah tobacco, having high humidity, also entails the need to fuel this device again, a special charcoal. It should be slightly rounded in shape, each piece of coal should not exceed a size of 3 centimeters. Cook it should advance in a specially designed tank.
Of no small importance to the process of smoking a hookah and the principle of stuffing tubes - are necessary to observe the golden mean, namely: too tight, not to fill his pipe, because tobacco is simply not in a position to allow air and, therefore, inevitably be quenched, but the looseness of stuffing is not allowed - in this case simply do not have the temperature required for combustion.
In addition, under no circumstances can get a light from Uholka, glow in the hookah, an ordinary cigarette, even very good - it is "blasphemy" is able to completely spoil the taste of hookah, categorically not allowed to raise hookah at any elevation was - in all probability, Eastern tradition of lying down directly on top not too welcomes it.
And finally: absolutely unacceptable to the transfer procedure hookah during his, shall we say, a collective of smoking directly from hand to hand next sitting. If the required number of puffs taken, the pleasure obtained from them and wants to just reflect on life, then you need to put aside hookah, thereby showing that now it can take the person to whom it is now necessary to use it, giving peace of rest, adaptation.
In short, the ceremony was easy, and therefore requiring special respect.
The most democratic and public view of smoking cigarettes became (from France. - A small cigar), however, according to our current notions, or rather, a cigarette, because at first they do not have a filter. Although this type of tobacco for a long time called by the term "cigarette". Cigarettes, as well as tubes with cigars, "presented to the world the same old North American Indians, long familiar with this way of smoking - they chopped tobacco wrapped in leaves of maize and palm.
European boom in cigarettes (ie cigarettes) began after the Crimean War of 1854-1856 years, when Russian soldiers, having no other way to smoke, come from tobacco wrapped in paper tube liners from gunpowder. This is very convenient habit borrowed from them by British soldiers, and then the process is irreversible. In 1857 in London, was built the first cigarette factory. Its founder, Robert Peacock Glod developed and put into the sale of some sort a kind of brand, known as "Five a penny." A few years later that the Americans picked up the baton, and the beginning of the XIX century the volume of cigarette sales has blocked all records of the cigar business.
Not only men but also women felt this occupation for quite a decent, though they usually prefer to use for smoking a long cigarette holders that made the image of smoking ladies elegance. Cigarette smoking has become so fashionable that they manufacture, day and night by dozens of factories and hundreds of small craft workshops.
Cigars and cigarillos
The prototype of cigars can be considered virgin rolled tobacco leaves used by American Indians. This process was first observed by Christopher Columbus, along with his companions, faced with the Indian tribes. For these "savages" unhurried smoking then unknown to Europeans of leaves was akin to celebration, during which they not only relaxing, but also, the clean-up the nervous system, took the most serious decisions. And it happened, apparently, because, according to one Indian legend, the Great Spirit Manitou, has taken pity on the unenviable fate of people living on scarce land, sent to him a woman-savior. Where it touches the ground with his right hand, grew potatoes, where the left - corn. And since the way it has been long and hard, and she had many occasions to meet with the birth and death, joy and sorrow, love and hate, she was tired of the road and only seen, often sat on the ground to rest and reflect. And there, where it rested, grew tobacco - a plant that helps to understand the essence of being.
So the cigar - this is not just one way of smoking, this whole philosophy. I understand that many of those who were their fans, among them - Sigmund Freud, Mark Twain, Thomas Edison, Alexander Scriabin and many other equally well-known personalities. Somerset Maugham wrote in his memoirs: "When I was young and very poor, I smoked cigars, only if they treated me. I promised myself: if ever I zavedutsya money, I'll enjoy a cigar every day after lunch and after dinner. This was the only word that I gave myself in my youth and then kept.
The best of the myriad types of cigars are those that are made by hand. This is usually confirmed by special inscription on the box «Totalmente a Mano». For their manufacture several whole tobacco leaves are compressed and secured along the length of the connecting sheet, and then turn into a cover, which is the main, because it defines flavor cigars. Work on the production of such products requires time-consuming, so in 20 of the last century, some zealous manufacturers have shifted to a cigar making machine.
Cigars, termed «machine-made», no demand for true connoisseurs and lovers of cigars, because otherwise, as consumer goods, they will not name. After all, for the sake of simplicity of the manufacturing process and, consequently, of cheapening the value of such cigars binding and cover sheets are not virgin, as in the present, as obtained by gluing the tobacco powder and organic compounds after the machine rolling.Therefore, when buying cigars should thoroughly examine all the inscriptions on the box.
All the components of good modern cigars made by hand, contain 100% natural leaves, which must indicate on the box in the form of inscriptions «Natural Wrapper» or in the name of the type wrapper, such as, Sumatra, Brasil, Connecticut or the other. Specify the type of wrapper is of particular importance. In his appearance could determine the quality of cigars: it is sufficient if it is elastic, not whether it cracks, undulation, which significantly impairs both its strength and taste. It is believed that the darker color of the leaves indicates the fortress. This is not quite true, but among the dark cigar is really a lot of strong varieties. And yet, always determines the filling of a fortress, not wrapper, he plays the role of first violin in taste and tone. Color of cover sheet is very diverse - from light green to anthracite-black to brown color scheme includes intermediate tones.
Duration of smoking cigars, which, according to etiquette is usually conducted at a cost of 2 / 3 of its length, depending on the method of manufacture varies. In addition, it also depends on the activity of the smoker. Yet we know that this process can last from 30 minutes to ... 2 hours.
As such a variety of tobacco products like cigarillos, it is - no more than a small cigar. On some boxes cigarillos, produced in the U.S., next to the symbol "Cigars" can stand clarify the inscription «little» or «small» (from the English. - Small). The English cigarillos indicated the presence of the words «miniatures» or «whiffs». Manufacturers of other countries have a basis weight of tobacco products: if it weighs 3 grams or less - it cigarillos, but if more than 3 - the cigar.
There is a so-called Cuban division, where a "middle ground" standard adopted by the demi-tasse, namely: length - 10 cm, diameter - 1,2 cm, is smaller diameters indicate that cigarillos. And it is taken into account in diameter, as well as a variety of cigarillos-panatel (from the English. - «Panatela» or «panetela») has a "cigar" length.
A common characteristic of classic cigarillos can be regarded as a machine mode of production, except for a few items, stuffing is always made of tobacco in their possession, and the foresight to cut off both ends, that does not require constant wear with a special device.
Unlike their larger relatives have cigarillos stuffing can be prepared from any number of types of tobacco, which allows to vary the taste of tobacco. Thus, the inner contents of Dutch cigarillos «Schimmelpenninck» represented 20 different varieties of tobacco from Brazil, Indonesia and Cameroon.
Tobacco (Nicotiana) - annual herb of the family Solanaceae. There are about 70 species of wild tobacco. For many years the cultivation of this culture was removed more than 100 varieties, but they are all created on the basis of two kinds - Virginia tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and tobacco Agriculture (Nicotiana rustica L.). Virginia tobacco, or tobacco, this (smoking) - the fastest growing plant with a non-branching stems, which reach up to 2,5 meters, with a well-developed root system. Tobacco leaves, reaching up to 30 cm in width and length - up to 90 cm, usually oblong or elliptical shape. Flowers - pink or white, gathered in the inflorescence. The fruit of this plant is a kind of box with many small reddish-brown seeds.
There in the family Solanaceae and is this type of herbaceous plants of tobacco as tobacco, presumably descended from the crossing of two wild species of tobacco (paniculate and wavy). From tobacco make grist for smoking (tobacco smoking) and char smelling.
Tobacco Virginia, or this, bred for the sake of leaves, which are either screwed into cigars, or crushed for getting your cigarettes, cigarettes, and pipes. In addition, the tobacco leaves are processed to produce chewing its variety and pulverized by grinding tobacco to snuff.
Homeland smoking tobacco is considered North America, but now it is grown in more than 100 countries, the main of which are China, USA, India, Brazil, Turkey and Russia. This industry is annually employed more than 30 million people.
Harvesting of tobacco begins in 4-6 months after planting, when its leaves become pale and covered with spots. Cut off the stems of plants with leaves or only the leaves are drying.
Drying leaves - a process that requires compliance with certain conditions, besides they can not overheat, as this may adversely affect the quality of tobacco. After drying, the leaves are steaming process in order to avoid brittleness. They either have a room with high humidity, or processed on the ferry, or slightly moistened with water, place them cut.
Then the leaves are sorted by quality, size and color, and then bind them in bundles and sent to the tobacco fields for further processing. Before the final stage of processing them is kept in special rooms for another year or two, always maintaining a certain temperature. Leaves should not be too dry (to avoid raskroshivaniya) and pereuvlazhnyatsya (otherwise they will start to mold).
Depending on the will of these sheets are made cigar, cigarette or pipe tobacco, the leaves are processed differently.
The tradition of smoking tobacco through a tube was brought to Europe by Spanish and Portuguese sailors, again from North America. The tubes were made of clay and Indians as well as the local similarity of cigars, originally had a ritual character.
Legislators "pipe mode" on the European continent since the end of XVI century The Dutch began. They made the best of the tube and mix for pipe tobacco. Making a good tube always demanded a sufficiently long time, doing as they are usually skilled craftsmen to individual orders, so that to afford such a pipe could quite a few. The material for the tubes is the so-called foam, or magnesium silicate - very light and porous natural mineral, resembling a sea foam, as well as clay, porcelain and even dried corn cobs treated with plaster and polished.
In posleduschie decade, the number of fans smoking pipes steadily increased. And in the first years of the XIX century began their mass production. At that time they were made mostly from basal part of the stem briar (the root of the heather). Mouthpiece has always been one of the main parts of the complex pipe structures. He was supposed to have a well-calculated size and smooth shape. The material for the most elegant and prestigious mouthpieces, often carved and served, as a rule, amber. Later he became used Latinas - a dark sort of Indian rubber, has undergone curing, which was convenient for machine processing. More recently, the most popular in the production tubing has a very hard synthetic material - acrylic on canvas.
Most of pipe tobacco contains from 10 to 30 kinds of varieties and subspecies, differing in the country growing, the year of collection, the position of leaves on the plant, aromatic additives (sugar, syrup, liqueur, fruit essences, cocoa, vanilla, etc.), as well as ways processing.
Pipe tobacco can be divided into two categories: the first - this is English and Scottish tile, which mature in the pressed forms exempt from sugar species such as Virginia, Turkish and Greek, the second - an American-style tobacco, which mixed with various flavorings. Danish and Dutch Cavendish, grown mainly in Maryland, after a soak tiles combine with free tobacco leaf.
Smoking pipes - special process that safely can be called art. True connoisseurs have in its arsenal, not just a few tubes, but also a variety of devices and accessories, as well as own weight of special pre-processing techniques, followed by cleansing, the creation of a specific attack on the inner surface of the tube, it is necessary for the priests. And hardly anyone from smoking will be able to argue with the fact that when smoking a good pipe tobacco, such as for example "Amphora" or "clan", the surrounding receive from this process, aesthetic pleasure.
Homeland of this device for smoking are Asian and African countries, where life as we know, has always flowed calm and measured. And because hookah smoking - a lengthy, slow and requires a respectful attitude. There is no doubt that the world owes him the appearance of a special mentality, characteristic of the Eastern traditions, though today many Europeans, apparently, trying to somehow escape from the incessant bustle of everyday life, became addicted to this ritual.
This extremely popular since the Middle Ages, in Persia, India, China, Africa and Central Asia, the device consists of a tube with tobacco, the lower end of which is omitted in the vessel with water, and hose of leather or wooden tube, introduced into the vessel above water level - through it Actually, purifying, and passes the smoke. Hookahs are made of silver and crystal, covered with intricate patterns of vegetation, were the best examples of handicraft production.
Water poured into the vessel to enhance the flavor at the request of a smoker can be mixed with juice or rose oil. Kindle hookah burning coals, putting them on top of the smoking mixture. It takes about an hour to smoke fruit tobacco, and about two - for the pure strong tobacco. The water in the vessel after some time acquires a brown color, due to filtration of harmful substances.
Hookah - an appliance is very specific, and "rules of use" they also have their own immutable laws.
Specificity of hookah tobacco, having high humidity, also entails the need to fuel this device again, a special charcoal. It should be slightly rounded in shape, each piece of coal should not exceed a size of 3 centimeters. Cook it should advance in a specially designed tank.
Of no small importance to the process of smoking a hookah and the principle of stuffing tubes - are necessary to observe the golden mean, namely: too tight, not to fill his pipe, because tobacco is simply not in a position to allow air and, therefore, inevitably be quenched, but the looseness of stuffing is not allowed - in this case simply do not have the temperature required for combustion.
In addition, under no circumstances can get a light from Uholka, glow in the hookah, an ordinary cigarette, even very good - it is "blasphemy" is able to completely spoil the taste of hookah, categorically not allowed to raise hookah at any elevation was - in all probability, Eastern tradition of lying down directly on top not too welcomes it.
And finally: absolutely unacceptable to the transfer procedure hookah during his, shall we say, a collective of smoking directly from hand to hand next sitting. If the required number of puffs taken, the pleasure obtained from them and wants to just reflect on life, then you need to put aside hookah, thereby showing that now it can take the person to whom it is now necessary to use it, giving peace of rest, adaptation.
In short, the ceremony was easy, and therefore requiring special respect.
The most democratic and public view of smoking cigarettes became (from France. - A small cigar), however, according to our current notions, or rather, a cigarette, because at first they do not have a filter. Although this type of tobacco for a long time called by the term "cigarette". Cigarettes, as well as tubes with cigars, "presented to the world the same old North American Indians, long familiar with this way of smoking - they chopped tobacco wrapped in leaves of maize and palm.
European boom in cigarettes (ie cigarettes) began after the Crimean War of 1854-1856 years, when Russian soldiers, having no other way to smoke, come from tobacco wrapped in paper tube liners from gunpowder. This is very convenient habit borrowed from them by British soldiers, and then the process is irreversible. In 1857 in London, was built the first cigarette factory. Its founder, Robert Peacock Glod developed and put into the sale of some sort a kind of brand, known as "Five a penny." A few years later that the Americans picked up the baton, and the beginning of the XIX century the volume of cigarette sales has blocked all records of the cigar business.
Not only men but also women felt this occupation for quite a decent, though they usually prefer to use for smoking a long cigarette holders that made the image of smoking ladies elegance. Cigarette smoking has become so fashionable that they manufacture, day and night by dozens of factories and hundreds of small craft workshops.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
After promising to "never" Give Up the fight against big tobacco, McCain refuses
Last month, the House passed a law - called the wrath of conservatives - that would give FDA regulatory authority over the Strengthening of the tobacco industry, mirroring the author in 1998 at the suggestion of Senator John McCain (R-AZ). At the time, McCain said that he "never" renounce its anti-tobacco efforts.
How Wonk Room noted, however, McCain has recently made it clear that he had doubts with the House legislation, stating that he would not "make voting in elections until he sees the final legislation." Roll Call reports today that McCain is a "reduction to embrace" of its own laws:
The campaign for presumed presidential candidate of the Republicans Senator John McCain (Ariz.) declining to embrace McCain's own 1998 legislation on tobacco control legislation, which would have raised taxes on the amount of $ 516 billion over 25 years. ... Repeatedly asked last week whether McCain still backs the bill and, if he thought it was a good idea, senior adviser Douglas Holtz-Ekin refused to answer directly.
However, he noted that some of the goals of the legislation did not pan out as hoped for after the tobacco industry and the state focused on its own. ... And today, McCain did not support raising taxes on cigarettes, his adviser said.
However, in 1998, McCain supported the $ 1.10 per Pack hike taxes. "I still regret, we failed," he said in October last year. Throughout his campaign, he was advertising his support for the 1998 legislation, even running ads on the subject:
Only McCain has taken on big tobacco, drug companies, fought corruption in both parties.
McCain's Web CITES column by David Brooks that "in 1998, McCain opposed the smoking legislation that faced furious opposition from the tobacco lobby." At the Summit Livestrong Lance Armstrong, McCain said that "the influence of tobacco companies" to the Congress led to his 1998 bill to fail.
McCain's flip-flop suggests that he is pandering to their anti-tax base, after catching heat from conservatives, who said that "increasing taxes on wages" were not "off the table" With regard to social security. "There are a number of things in the record McCain - including the tobacco bill - that give conservatives pause," in accordance with the "leading conservative strategist" interviewed roll-call.
How Wonk Room noted, however, McCain has recently made it clear that he had doubts with the House legislation, stating that he would not "make voting in elections until he sees the final legislation." Roll Call reports today that McCain is a "reduction to embrace" of its own laws:
The campaign for presumed presidential candidate of the Republicans Senator John McCain (Ariz.) declining to embrace McCain's own 1998 legislation on tobacco control legislation, which would have raised taxes on the amount of $ 516 billion over 25 years. ... Repeatedly asked last week whether McCain still backs the bill and, if he thought it was a good idea, senior adviser Douglas Holtz-Ekin refused to answer directly.
However, he noted that some of the goals of the legislation did not pan out as hoped for after the tobacco industry and the state focused on its own. ... And today, McCain did not support raising taxes on cigarettes, his adviser said.
However, in 1998, McCain supported the $ 1.10 per Pack hike taxes. "I still regret, we failed," he said in October last year. Throughout his campaign, he was advertising his support for the 1998 legislation, even running ads on the subject:
Only McCain has taken on big tobacco, drug companies, fought corruption in both parties.
McCain's Web CITES column by David Brooks that "in 1998, McCain opposed the smoking legislation that faced furious opposition from the tobacco lobby." At the Summit Livestrong Lance Armstrong, McCain said that "the influence of tobacco companies" to the Congress led to his 1998 bill to fail.
McCain's flip-flop suggests that he is pandering to their anti-tax base, after catching heat from conservatives, who said that "increasing taxes on wages" were not "off the table" With regard to social security. "There are a number of things in the record McCain - including the tobacco bill - that give conservatives pause," in accordance with the "leading conservative strategist" interviewed roll-call.
Philip Morris is going after the creators of Baby toys
Philip Morris is going after the creators of Baby toys smoking, although the reasons for companies not based so much on the fact that the toy might encourage smoking among young children, but because the brand cigarettes like Marlboro. I think the lesson that your child can smoke as long as cigarettes are of a general nature.
In a letter dated April 7, reported Marlboro Toy Lounge, that tiny Pack cigarette, which came with a toy is strikingly similar to the package design Marlboro (and does). The letter also says the toy creates a bad image for Philip Morris. All that I know that I do not smoke, but I really want one of these children smoking. In addition, one that chews tobacco and solicits prostitutes would be pretty cool, too.
In a letter dated April 7, reported Marlboro Toy Lounge, that tiny Pack cigarette, which came with a toy is strikingly similar to the package design Marlboro (and does). The letter also says the toy creates a bad image for Philip Morris. All that I know that I do not smoke, but I really want one of these children smoking. In addition, one that chews tobacco and solicits prostitutes would be pretty cool, too.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
When doctors and even Santa endorsed Tobacco
People who remember when tobacco advertising was a visible part of the media landscape - and others who remember what they learned in Marketing 101 - probably remember that actors like Barbara Stanwyck and athletes like Mickey Mantle regularly endorsed cigarettes.
But how about doctors and other medical professionals, proclaiming the merits of various cigarette brands? Or politicians? A cartoon on cigarette advertising? Or children? Children? Even Santa Claus?
These images - some flabbergasting, even disturbing - were also used by Madison Avenue for the sale of tobacco products. The exhibition, which opens Tuesday in New York presents cigarettes ads from the 1920 to the beginning of 1950 in an attempt to demonstrate what has changed since then - and that may not have.
Called exhibition, hundreds of print ads and television commercials, and not a cough in the Carload: Images used by tobacco companies to hide the dangers of smoking. " The first part of the name is borrowed from the slogan of Old Gold cigarettes, a brand that subsequently boasted in its ads of being "made by tobacco men, not medicine men."
The exhibition will be on display through Dec. 26 at Healy Hall in the Science, Industry and Business Library New York Public Library, 188 Madison Avenue, 34 th Street. It can also be viewed on the website (
The exhibition is the brainchild of Dr. Robert K. Jackler of the Stanford School of Medicine, who described himself in interviews as "The Accidental Tourist in the world of advertising."
"The best artists and copywriters that money can buy" would work on cigarette accounts, said Dr. Jackler, who is also chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.
"This era of over-The-Top hucksterism went on for decades," he added, "and it was all frankly false.
Genesis exposition ads around 1930 cigarettes Lucky Strike, which shows a doctor above the headline proclaimed that "20,679 physicians say 'Luckies less irritating."
"It captivated me," Dr Jackler said.
Luckies doctor was joined in Dr. Jackler's collection of about 5000 ad estimated scientists and health workers - doctors, dentists, nurses - making statements that are now known to be patently untrue. "Not one case of throat irritation due to smoking Camels!" Is a typical assertion.
"I was struck by the image of the noble medical profession, stunned and surprised, actually," said Kristin McDonough, Robert and Joyce Menschel Director for Science, Industry and Business Library.
"Some of the claims in your ads, you do not have to be a scientist in a laboratory to dispute," said Ms. McDonough, referring to advertising that smoking certain brands "does not cause bad breath" or "can never stain your teeth .
Other approaches, which could cause double takes (if not whiplash) among contemporary consumers include ads with Santa Claus, for brands like Pall Mall; senators like Charles Curtis of Kansas, who endorsed Lucky Strike, before he was elected vice - president in 1928, as the cartoon Flintstones and penguins, for brands like Winston and Kool; children who appear as accessories for their smoking parents and children, for brands like Marlboro.
The exhibit also includes copious examples of more traditional cigarettes Comments athletes - occasionally in uniform - and artists. Some promoted multiple brands during their careers, such as Mantle, New York Yankees outfielder, going to brands like Camel and Viceroy, while the actress Claudette Colbert endorsed at least five years, Dr. Jackler found.
The main objective of the exhibition, Jackler doctor said it connect the dots between now and then. He compared the ads decades ago intended to encourage women to smoke - "Blow some my way" for Chesterfield, and "You've come a long way, Baby", for Virginia Slims - to the campaign last year from RJ Reynolds Tobacco in the present version of the camel for women called Camel № 9.
And there is one theme that comes from the Vintage advertising tobacco products are modern, Dr Jackler said: "It's all about youth marketing. The goal is to turn young people aged between 12 and 22 in young smokers."
Documents from the collection of George ARENTS against the archives of the Science, Industry and Business Library will also be on display. The exhibit was seen in cities such as Boston and San Francisco before arriving in New York.
But how about doctors and other medical professionals, proclaiming the merits of various cigarette brands? Or politicians? A cartoon on cigarette advertising? Or children? Children? Even Santa Claus?
These images - some flabbergasting, even disturbing - were also used by Madison Avenue for the sale of tobacco products. The exhibition, which opens Tuesday in New York presents cigarettes ads from the 1920 to the beginning of 1950 in an attempt to demonstrate what has changed since then - and that may not have.
Called exhibition, hundreds of print ads and television commercials, and not a cough in the Carload: Images used by tobacco companies to hide the dangers of smoking. " The first part of the name is borrowed from the slogan of Old Gold cigarettes, a brand that subsequently boasted in its ads of being "made by tobacco men, not medicine men."
The exhibition will be on display through Dec. 26 at Healy Hall in the Science, Industry and Business Library New York Public Library, 188 Madison Avenue, 34 th Street. It can also be viewed on the website (
The exhibition is the brainchild of Dr. Robert K. Jackler of the Stanford School of Medicine, who described himself in interviews as "The Accidental Tourist in the world of advertising."
"The best artists and copywriters that money can buy" would work on cigarette accounts, said Dr. Jackler, who is also chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.
"This era of over-The-Top hucksterism went on for decades," he added, "and it was all frankly false.
Genesis exposition ads around 1930 cigarettes Lucky Strike, which shows a doctor above the headline proclaimed that "20,679 physicians say 'Luckies less irritating."
"It captivated me," Dr Jackler said.
Luckies doctor was joined in Dr. Jackler's collection of about 5000 ad estimated scientists and health workers - doctors, dentists, nurses - making statements that are now known to be patently untrue. "Not one case of throat irritation due to smoking Camels!" Is a typical assertion.
"I was struck by the image of the noble medical profession, stunned and surprised, actually," said Kristin McDonough, Robert and Joyce Menschel Director for Science, Industry and Business Library.
"Some of the claims in your ads, you do not have to be a scientist in a laboratory to dispute," said Ms. McDonough, referring to advertising that smoking certain brands "does not cause bad breath" or "can never stain your teeth .
Other approaches, which could cause double takes (if not whiplash) among contemporary consumers include ads with Santa Claus, for brands like Pall Mall; senators like Charles Curtis of Kansas, who endorsed Lucky Strike, before he was elected vice - president in 1928, as the cartoon Flintstones and penguins, for brands like Winston and Kool; children who appear as accessories for their smoking parents and children, for brands like Marlboro.
The exhibit also includes copious examples of more traditional cigarettes Comments athletes - occasionally in uniform - and artists. Some promoted multiple brands during their careers, such as Mantle, New York Yankees outfielder, going to brands like Camel and Viceroy, while the actress Claudette Colbert endorsed at least five years, Dr. Jackler found.
The main objective of the exhibition, Jackler doctor said it connect the dots between now and then. He compared the ads decades ago intended to encourage women to smoke - "Blow some my way" for Chesterfield, and "You've come a long way, Baby", for Virginia Slims - to the campaign last year from RJ Reynolds Tobacco in the present version of the camel for women called Camel № 9.
And there is one theme that comes from the Vintage advertising tobacco products are modern, Dr Jackler said: "It's all about youth marketing. The goal is to turn young people aged between 12 and 22 in young smokers."
Documents from the collection of George ARENTS against the archives of the Science, Industry and Business Library will also be on display. The exhibit was seen in cities such as Boston and San Francisco before arriving in New York.
Friday, 21 August 2009
American Medical Association Promoted Tobacco, Cigarettes in its Medical Journal
This article originally ran on NaturalNews in 2007, but given the recent passage of a \"tobacco control bill\" by the U.S. Senate, it deserves repeating. Read this article to learn some rather shocking information about the history of collaboration between Big Tobacco and the American Medical Association.
Despite its stated mission, \"To promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health,\" the American Medical Association (AMA) has taken many missteps in protecting the health of the American people. One of the most striking examples is the AMA\'s long-term relationship with the tobacco industry.
Both the AMA and individual doctors sided with big tobacco for decades after the deleterious effects of smoking were proven. Medical historians have tracked this relationship in great detail, examining internal documents from tobacco companies and their legal counsel and public relations advisers. The overarching theme of big tobacco\'s efforts was to keep alive the appearance of a \"debate\" or \"controversy\" of the health effects of cigarette smoking.
The first research to make a statistical correlation between cancer and smoking was published in 1930 in Cologne, Germany. In 1938, Dr. Raymond Pearl of Johns Hopkins University reported that smokers do not live as long as non-smokers. The tobacco industry dismissed these early findings as anecdotal -- but at the same time recruited doctors to endorse cigarettes.
JAMA kicks off two decades of cigarette advertising
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published its first cigarette advertisement in 1933, stating that it had done so only \"after careful consideration of the extent to which cigarettes were used by physicians in practice.\" These advertisements continued for 20 years. The same year, Chesterfield began running ads in the New York State Journal of Medicine, with the claim that its cigarettes were \"Just as pure as the water you drink... and practically untouched by human hands.\"
In medical journals and in the popular media, one of the most infamous cigarette advertising slogans was associated with the Camel brand: \"More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.\" The campaign began in 1946 and ran for eight years in magazines and on the radio. The ads included this message:
\"Family physicians, surgeons, diagnosticians, nose and throat specialists, doctors in every branch of medicine... a total of 113,597 doctors... were asked the question: \'What cigarette do you smoke?\' And more of them named Camel as their smoke than any other cigarette! Three independent research groups found this to be a fact. You see, doctors too smoke for pleasure. That full Camel flavor is just as appealing to a doctor\'s taste as to yours... that marvelous Camel mildness means just as much to his throat as to yours.\"
Big Tobacco\'s suppression of scientific evidence
At the same time that JAMA ran cigarette ads, it published in 1950 the first major study to causally link smoking to lung cancer. Morton Levin, then director of Cancer Control for the New York State Department of Health, surveyed patients in Buffalo, N.Y., from 1938 to 1950 and found that smokers were twice as likely to develop lung cancer as non-smokers.
Despite its stated mission, \"To promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health,\" the American Medical Association (AMA) has taken many missteps in protecting the health of the American people. One of the most striking examples is the AMA\'s long-term relationship with the tobacco industry.
Both the AMA and individual doctors sided with big tobacco for decades after the deleterious effects of smoking were proven. Medical historians have tracked this relationship in great detail, examining internal documents from tobacco companies and their legal counsel and public relations advisers. The overarching theme of big tobacco\'s efforts was to keep alive the appearance of a \"debate\" or \"controversy\" of the health effects of cigarette smoking.
The first research to make a statistical correlation between cancer and smoking was published in 1930 in Cologne, Germany. In 1938, Dr. Raymond Pearl of Johns Hopkins University reported that smokers do not live as long as non-smokers. The tobacco industry dismissed these early findings as anecdotal -- but at the same time recruited doctors to endorse cigarettes.
JAMA kicks off two decades of cigarette advertising
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published its first cigarette advertisement in 1933, stating that it had done so only \"after careful consideration of the extent to which cigarettes were used by physicians in practice.\" These advertisements continued for 20 years. The same year, Chesterfield began running ads in the New York State Journal of Medicine, with the claim that its cigarettes were \"Just as pure as the water you drink... and practically untouched by human hands.\"
In medical journals and in the popular media, one of the most infamous cigarette advertising slogans was associated with the Camel brand: \"More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette.\" The campaign began in 1946 and ran for eight years in magazines and on the radio. The ads included this message:
\"Family physicians, surgeons, diagnosticians, nose and throat specialists, doctors in every branch of medicine... a total of 113,597 doctors... were asked the question: \'What cigarette do you smoke?\' And more of them named Camel as their smoke than any other cigarette! Three independent research groups found this to be a fact. You see, doctors too smoke for pleasure. That full Camel flavor is just as appealing to a doctor\'s taste as to yours... that marvelous Camel mildness means just as much to his throat as to yours.\"
Big Tobacco\'s suppression of scientific evidence
At the same time that JAMA ran cigarette ads, it published in 1950 the first major study to causally link smoking to lung cancer. Morton Levin, then director of Cancer Control for the New York State Department of Health, surveyed patients in Buffalo, N.Y., from 1938 to 1950 and found that smokers were twice as likely to develop lung cancer as non-smokers.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
What is the history of a cigarette?
The earliest forms of cigarettes have been attested in Central America around the 9th century in the form of reeds and smoking tubes. The Maya, and later the Aztecs, smoked tobacco and various psychoactive drugs in religious rituals and frequently depicted priests and deities smoking on pottery and temple engravings. The cigarette, and the cigar, were the most common method of smoking in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central and South America until recent times.
Cigarettes were largely unknown in the English-speaking world before the Crimean War, when British soldiers began emulating their Ottoman Turkish comrades, who resorted to rolling their tobacco with newsprint.
The cigarette was named some time in the 18th century: beggars in Seville began to pick from the ground the cigar ends left by the seƱoritos ("rich, young men"), wrapped the tobacco remains with paper and smoked them. The first attested use in this habit can be seen in three 18th-century paintings by Francisco de Goya: La cometa (The Kite), La merienda en el Manzanares (Picnic by the River Manzanares) and El juego de la pelota a pala (The Ball and Paddle Game). In the George Bizet opera Carmen, which was set in Spain in the 1830s, the title character Carmen was at first a worker in a cigarette factory. The use of tobacco in cigarette form became increasingly popular during and after the Crimean War. This was helped by the development of tobaccos that are suitable for cigarette use.
Cigarettes were largely unknown in the English-speaking world before the Crimean War, when British soldiers began emulating their Ottoman Turkish comrades, who resorted to rolling their tobacco with newsprint.
The cigarette was named some time in the 18th century: beggars in Seville began to pick from the ground the cigar ends left by the seƱoritos ("rich, young men"), wrapped the tobacco remains with paper and smoked them. The first attested use in this habit can be seen in three 18th-century paintings by Francisco de Goya: La cometa (The Kite), La merienda en el Manzanares (Picnic by the River Manzanares) and El juego de la pelota a pala (The Ball and Paddle Game). In the George Bizet opera Carmen, which was set in Spain in the 1830s, the title character Carmen was at first a worker in a cigarette factory. The use of tobacco in cigarette form became increasingly popular during and after the Crimean War. This was helped by the development of tobaccos that are suitable for cigarette use.
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